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Among The Ether: The Invasion of Issa
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Among The Ether
The Invasion of Issa
Copyright © 2020 C.R.ALLAN
All rights reserved
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.
ISBN- 9798676379193
For Jenny
The intense light of the blue star began setting over the eastern mountains. Stretching shades of green and blue across a purple sky, easing a long day to an end on the planet Issa. Jacob sat on a swing in a small wooded park across the street from the five-story apartment building in which he lived with his mother and younger brother. Slowly rocking back and forth on a swing, Jacob watched his five-year-old brother Alex play at the park with other kids his age. Being sixteen years old, Jacob was often responsible for his younger brother after school while their mother was at work at the local hospital. However, looking after Alex never bothered Jacob, he adored his little brother and enjoyed spending time with him.
The autumn air blew cold and carried the scent of snow from the north as it picked off leaves from the nearby trees, tossing them gently throughout the evening air. Jacob watched as the shades of orange and yellow leaves danced in the gentle up-currents. The evening light faded giving way to the bright streetlights, adorned on dull metal poles, that lined the neighbourhood roads. Teros, the larger of Issa’s two moons, rose over the western horizon casting its soft violet light across the landscape. Jacob stepped off the swing and began making his way over to the play structure where Alex was still playing with the other children.
“Alex, it's time to head back home,” called Jacob.
“Awe, ten more minutes?” Alex quickly responded, as if predicting his brother's actions.
It was always ten more minutes Jacob thought to himself, however, he did not mind, he enjoyed being outside more than cooped up in their small two-bedroom apartment. Jacob stood at the perimeter of the playground, balancing on the small retaining wall that divided the river stones that filled the play area from the grass of the park. Jacob watched as other children where called and collected by their parents, eventually only leaving Alex alone on the playground.
“Okay... let's go,” said Alex, complaining he was starting to get cold as he hopped of the bottom of the slide.
Walking towards Alex, Jacob noticed his brother stop in his tracks. While looking up Alex pointed at the sky behind Jacob, saying “what's that?” With a look of curiosity on his face.
“Teros,” Jacob replied with certainty, as he turned around to look in the direction Alex was pointing.
Jacob stared up towards Teros, as he noticed a thin outline of a ring make its way slowly across the disk of the bright moon. Jacob, perplexed, continued to look at the strange object with both fear and confusion as he tried to figure out what it could be. As the ring continued across the sky, illuminated by the light of Teros, Jacob saw small parts of the object breaking off. The smaller objects scattered into the darkness of the star filled sky, before shining brightly as they streaked across the sky. Burning as they descended through the thick atmosphere, the falling objects spread out in all conceivable directions. Frozen with both fear and wonder, Jacob watched as one of the objects began descending rapidly towards him and Alex.
“Run!” Yelled Jacob, as he grabbed Alex by the hand and pulled him along.
Running through the park, parallel to the street, Jacob headed the same direction he noticed several other people beginning to run. The object grew louder as it approached from behind them, culminating into a deafeningly sharp eruption of sound, as it passed brightly overhead, high in the sky. Eventually disappearing into the distant darkness.
Forced to his knees by the force of the sound wave generated by the object, Jacob covered his ears with both hands. Attempting to drowned out the painfully disorientating ringing that began to overtake him, he pressed hard against his head unsuccessfully ending the painful torrents of escalating tones that came over him wave after wave.
Among the pain and confusion, Jacob looked franticly for Alex. He could see people scattered throughout the street and park, covering their ears as they stumbled around in a disoriented stupor. Finding Alex lying curled up crying on damp grass, Jacob stood up and tried to make his way to him. Losing his balance and stumbling out towards the street, Jacob lost his footing over the curb of the sidewalk and crashed down onto the rough pavement. Forcing himself to his feet again he staggered over towards Alex, collapsing to his knees next his brother from the effort needed to keep his balance long enough to navigate the short distance.
Pulling Alex towards his chest, Jacob placed his bothers head on his shoulder. Holding Alex tight, as the five-year-old sobbed and shook with pain and fear, Jacob scanned the vaguely lit area around him. With the ringing in his ears, eventually diminishing into a low humming sound, he now was able to hear the muffled sounds of people screaming and running towards him. Noticing an old man, draped in a hood and tattered cloths shouting at him from opposite side of the street, Jacob strained to hear the man's words
“Get up and run... they’re coming... They are taking people... they are taking everyone... The end is near... The end is near!” the old man shouted and muttered as he continued down the street past Jacob.
Suddenly, Jacob saw a flash of light out the corner of his eye, followed by a loud percussive sound. Jacob turned around to see smoke filling the air under a streetlight far down the road beside him. Another bright flash quickly followed further down the street spreading more smoke, as Jacob noticed a young woman appearing from the cloud running. The woman, wearing a bright green autumn coat, slowed down briefly as she exited the dark cloud. Frantically, looking behind her before coming to full stop, the woman then stared right at Jacob before collapsing to the pavement. Jacob could see the smoke clouds growing as more explosions released the gas, now filling the void space between buildings, inching ever closer to him. The popping sounds all around him drew closer with every moment, as another bright flash suddenly went off near the women in the green coat, still laying in the street. Jacob, paralysed with fear, could see the women starting to struggle to push herself up as the smoke slowly began to engulf her. Jolting with shock as he saw the women scream suddenly, Jacob watched as something rapidly pulled her into the dense cloud, her cries quickly fading into the distance.
“What's going on Jacob?” said Alex with fright. Jacobs sudden movement causing him to push away from his older brother and look at all the chaos around him.
“I wish I knew Alex.”
“I’m scared.” Continued Alex, the fear in his voice increasing.
Getting up on one knee, Jacob placed his hands-on his brother's shoulders and looked him intently in the eyes with concern. Jacob could see the panic on Alex's face as he began to speak to his little brother.
“Alex, I promise I will not let anything happen to you,” said Jacob with affirmation. “You understand Alex?” Jacob continued, as Alex nodded yes and wrapped his arms tightly around his brothers' neck.
Still holding Alex, Jacob stood up and began walking towards their apartment across the street, following the long shadows cast by the trees in the park behind them. Jacob made it to the edge, where the street met the sidewalk, with the smoke creeping from all directions, spilling ever closer. Hearing the shouts and cries of people echoing in the distance, punctuated by the intermittent
explosions, Jacob began stepping out on to the street. Pausing suddenly as a strange tarnished, grey, and brown metal cylinder hit the ground in front of him. Jacob watched as the object clanked and bounced along the roadway, before coming to a stop against the curb in front of him. Turning around to protect Alex, the device exploded with a blinding flash and immense noise, causing Jacobs head again to begin ringing. Staggering forward in disorientation, Jacob dropped Alex on the grass in the park before collapsing in a heap beside him.
Suddenly everything became dim, the light of the nearby streetlights barely able to diffuse through the thick smoke that now engulfed Jacob and Alex. Jacob rose to his feet, while scooping up Alex in his arms, the disorienting effects of the explosive device quickly wearing off. Feeling a cough developing in his throat, Jacob forced his mouth closed to muffle the sounds, as he found it increasingly more difficult to breath, from the irritating effects of the nocuous gas. Holding his breath, while forcefully resitting the urge to cough, Jacob held the sleeve of his coat over Alex’s mouth. An uneasy feeling swept over him as he became increasingly aware, he was not alone in cloud. Shadows danced in the scattered light and the sound of, metal clanking and feet against the pavement grew increasingly lounder. No longer able to determine which way led to the apartment building, Jacob hastily chose a direction and walked quickly through the smoke.
“Jacob.” Said a low voice through the smoke, causing Jacob to stop in his tracks.
Unsure if he heard the sound or the effects of the gas were playing tricks on him, Jacob, paused for a moment. Dismissing the voice, he quickly resumed in his chosen direction.
“Jacob,” the voice called again, this time closer and more certain, as Jacob recognised the voice and turned around quickly walking in the direction it came from.
“Jacob... Alex!” Said the voice again, this time low but forceful.
“Mom?” Said Jacob in a loud whisper.
Stumbling out into the road, Jacob tripped over the edge of the sidewalk. Unable to regain his balance, Jacob felt he was sure to hit the ground. Caught and held by somebody familiar, Jacob instantly recognised the embrace and for a moment felt safe.
Angie held her children tightly for a few seconds before grabbing Jacob by the arm and leading him across the street. Slowly and carefully she tried to safely navigate the unseen obstacles obscured by the dense smoke. Jacob could hear boots against the road growing louder behind them. The sounds developed into the quick cadence of someone in a full run, absolving any fleeting sense of safety Jacob once felt.
“Hurry!” said Jacob, grabbing his mother's hand and leading her into a full sprint.
Fearful something was hunting them in the fog, visions of the woman in green flashed through Jacobs mind. Breaking out of the cloud in the middle of a parking lot, Jacob held Alex tight as he pulled in mother along. Their five-story apartment complex stood ominously before them, its bright lights and sturdy brick structure, like a beacon of safety to Jacob amongst the chaos of the outside world. Arriving at the door first, with his mother in tow, Jacob pulled hard on the metal door causing it to shake loudly. With the door remaining securely locked, Angie pulled a cluster of keys from her coat pocket. Frantically fumbling them along their rings, Angie searched for the right key with her hands shaking in fear. Unable to complete a task she had effortlessly done countless times before, she dropped the keys and watched as they hit the ground loudly. In that moment, with cold hands and consumed by fright, she lacked the dexterity necessary to complete the fine motor task of manipulating the tiny pieces of metal. Setting Alex down in the light from the lobby from the other side of the glass, Jacob instinctually knelt to retrieve the fallen keys. Scooping the keys from the cold ground, Jacob quickly inserted them into the door. Prevented from turning the key by a strange sense that overtook him, Jacob froze and felt compelled to abandon his task and turn around.
“Come on, Hurry...!” firmly whispered his mother, her voice breaking into a tremble.
Jacob did not respond as he stared back towards the darkness of the park. The lights of the road lamps shined on the empty pavement and buildings of the city, as the vapour of his breath expanded out and crystallized in the cold autumn air. The city now looked calm and peaceful in soft light as a deafening silence seemed to have replaced the chaos of moments before. With no one in sight, the night now seemed void of life, as Jacob for a moment began questioning his reality. In that tranquil moment, no record of chaos remained, less his memories and the wisps of smoke dancing in the soft breeze under the streetlights.
Jacobs moment of respite became short lived. The soft purple light of Teros and a thousand faint stars became instantly replaced by a blinding white flash, then complete darkness. Rubbing his eyes as they slowly adjusted to the darkness, Jacob felt as though someone had flicked a switch and simply turned off all the power in the city. Growing more accustomed to the low light, Jacob could make out the faint silhouettes of building and tall trees in the distance, though barely visible in the soft natural lights of the night sky. The sound of the heavy door of the lobby broke through the darkness echoing a terrible screech into the night. Prying the stiff metal door open, Angie finished her prior task of entering the building. Getting inside the building once offered some feeling of safety, yet now seemed no different than the outside world. Reaching down for Alex as she held the door open with her foot, Angie’s hands slid through empty air. In a panic she let go of the door and blindly swung her arms. Frantically walking forward through the dark, Angie searched for her child, as the metal door slammed loudly shut behind her.
“Alex!” Angie whispered; a tone of panic clear in her voice.
“I’m right here,” said Alex loudly.
“He is here, I have him,” said Jacob, at the same time.
Finding his mother in front of him, Jacob passed his brother to Angie. Alex tightly wrapped his arms around his mother in fright and fatigue. Feeling through the thick darkness, Jacob found the building as his hands hit hard against the cold glass of the door. Feeling along for the keys, Jacob pried the heavy frame open as it once again spilled its familiar screech out into the dark expanse. Holding the weight of the door along his back, Jacob reached out and took Angie by the arm guiding her into the building.
Still holding the door for a moment, Jacob looked back across the emptiness. Vague shadows and silhouettes danced in the cold darkness of the night. Teros stood high above them casting little light upon the surface. Aero's, the second moon of Issa, slowly rose above the distant horizon, in perpetual chase with its larger companion. Turning his back to the outside, Jacob began to enter the building when the sound of sudden movement came rushing towards him. Quickly thrusting himself inside the building, Jacob loudly slammed the heavy door shut in front of him. Still holding onto the handle of the door, Jacob felt the vibration of something hitting hard against the glass. The sound echoed violently throughout the foyer of the apartment. Stepping back, Jacob bumped against Angie as he continued to force his vision against the darkness. Trying to catch a glimpse of what was beyond the door, as he continued to stare, he felt sure something stared back.
Familiar with the building, Jacob moved along the wall with his hand, feeling the rough cracked paint beneath his fingers. Angie followed closely behind, carrying Alex, now asleep, in a way only a five-year-old could sleep among such chaos. The warm of the building coupled with exhausted and fear simply too much for Alex to handle. Sharp sounds of banging against the outside door caused Jacob to quicken his pace. Arriving at the stairwell, a familiar musty smell spilled into the surrounding air as he swung open the old door. Holding the door ajar, Jacob guided his mother through. Cautiously climbing the stairs in total darkness, Jacob held onto the cold guild rail. The percussive sounds now only faintly heard, muffled by the heavy stairwell door and the distance now between them and the outside world.
Following his mother through the darkness, they ascended for what seemed an eternity. Chased by the echoes of their footstep's rever
berating up and down the hollow concrete column. Arriving at the fourth floor, Angie stood aside as Jacob felt along the cold stone wall to find the door. Warm interior air rushed past as he pulled the hallway door open. Following the current of air into dark hallway, Jacob and Angie moved along the wall. The sound of the carpeted ground rubbing under their feet appeared to be all that existed, as Jacob silently counted the void spaces of doorways. Moving through the hall to their apartment, Jacob could hear faint voices of people behind the passing doors.
Coming to their unit, Jacob flung open the unlocked wooden door, as the three of them funnelled into the apartment. The familiar sent of home filled the air, creating a sense of calm as the door securely shut into its frame behind them. Moving through the familiar environment effortlessly in the absence of light, Jacob collapsed onto a nearby sofa. Angie sat on a large armchair across the small room from him, still tightly holding onto Alex. Soft moonlight spilled through the large window in the living room, barely enough to outline an object only a few feet away in the small apartment. Jacob and Angie sat silently in exhaustion, each attempting to solemnly process the unfolding events. With the adrenaline beginning to wane and the noxious effects of the smoke taking hold. The faint sounds of yelling and small explosions outside lulled Jacob into restless sleep.
Visions of shadows moving in the faint light of Teros danced among the smoke-filled streets that invaded Jacobs dreams. Feeling perpetually haunted by unseen monsters hidden in the darkness, Jacob ran through an endless maze of streets. Moving with a crowd of terrified people, screaming, and pointing up at an ominous ring high above them. Overwhelmed with fear, Jacob watched as balls of molten rock rained across the distant horizon.
Every turn a dead end as he ran between buildings from an unseen enemy. Finding himself separated from the others, Jacob felt his heart racing. He weaved through the streets alone before coming to face a red stone wall at the end of a dark alley way. He turned to run back the way he came but was met with a thick wall of black fog spilling ever closer. Alex was somehow suddenly there, crying beside Jacob in that moment. Frantically searching for a way out, Jacob noticed people with their faces concealed behind hooded cloaks in the windows of the building around him. Calling out for them to help, he tried to get the attention of the strange figures, only for them to remain silent spectators of the unfolding events.