Among The Ether: The Invasion of Issa Read online

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  Kneeling to console Alex, the words “I won't let anything happen to you,” raced through Jacobs mind.

  Jacobs words began echoing out around him as if to mock the futility of the idea that he could protect his brother. Turning away from Alex, Jacob could see a metal cylinder, the same one from the sidewalk, falling towards him from the ever-expanding fog. With the strange device landing between him and Alex, Jacob stared helplessly into Alex’s tear stained eyes. Realizing in that moment that there was nothing he could do to protect his brother, Jacob watched as the cylinder exploded with an intensely loud bang.

  Heart pounding, Jacob shot up alert and frantically began looking through the dim area trying to orientate himself. The apartment was barley lit with the faint violet light from the two moons high and the soft glow of candlelight from the kitchen around the corner. looking around the room, Jacob could see Alex still sleeping on the armchair across the room from him. Curled up, Alex was covered with an old wool blanket, like the one Jacob had noticed he had also been covered with. Gently tossing the blanket to the far end of the sofa, he made his way towards the window across the room. Peering through the partitions between the horizontal blinds, Jacob gazed out towards the park across the street. The distant popping of gunfire and explosions sounded like a continual release of firecrackers. Plumes of smoke rose from the orange glow of fires peppered throughout the horizon, as Jacob tried to determine the location of the fires from his narrow view in their apartment unit. Suddenly feeling the building shake from a large explosion, Jacob watched the distant sky light up like a flash of lightning. Looking back across the room towards Alex, he could see the noise and shaking were unable to wake his brother from his deep sleep.

  Hearing low voices coming from the other room, Jacob made his way towards the wall that separated the kitchen and the living room. The building shook periodically as he traversed the small room, making it difficult to cross the short distance. Listening from around the corner, he could hear his mother having a conversation with Lucia, the neighbour from across the hall. Hearing the two women talking in low voices, Jacob found it difficult to make out the conversation. From behind the wall Jacob struggled to listen as his mother and Lucia talked about the events from earlier that night, with Angie in the middle of explaining how she left work when meteors started falling and how difficult it was for her to find the way back to the apartment building.

  “There was smoke everywhere, I had no idea which way to go. People running and screaming all over among the explosions,” said Angie.

  “Did you see any of them?” Asked Lucia?

  “No...” Angie responded.

  “Darren said he’s seen them in the smoke... Said they are like us, only wearing strange suits and masks.” Said Lucia in a faint voice.

  “I didn’t see anything but fog or smoke. Quite honestly, I don’t even know how I managed to bump into the boys.” Said Angie.

  “What are they?” Interrupted Jacob, as he came out from around the corner, startling the two women. Their faces barely illuminated by the small candle on the kitchen table.

  “I don’t know what or who is out there.” Said Angie.

  “Darren has a theory. He was telling me about it as he came in earlier this evening, rushing to get up to the roof,” added Lucia.

  “Darren always has a theory about everything,” said Angie.

  Jacob could see his mother's eyes roll as she chuckled softly at her statement.

  “What does Darren think they are?” Asked Jacob.

  “He said something about them coming from outer space or something like that,” said Lucia, followed by a brief pause.

  “Sounded kind of like a crazy conspiracy theory to me. Anyways he’s up on the roof trying to see history unfold... I believe, he said.” Lucia continued with a chuckle as Angie joined in laughing.

  Jacob briefly though about going up to the roof to see what Darren thought. However, Jacob found Darren rather weird and although he was curious, he did not want to make his way through the dark to the roof. The sound of gun fire noticeably intensified outside, with the building shaking more often from distant explosions. Returning to the large window in the living room, Jacob quickly checked on Alex, who remained sleeping on the chair. Looking out the window, Jacob could see the fires burning across the cityscape had increased. Their dim orange light now spilled high into the sky where it was met by the soft violet light of the two moons high above. In between the sounds of gun fire and explosions, Jacob could hear the faint drone of propellers off in the distance. Scanning the horizon, he noticed distant lights moving across the sky towards him. As the lights approached from beyond the river at the far side of city, Jacob became more frightened. Realising the explosions that shook the building were becoming more violent as the aircraft drew nearer.

  “There are planes moving this way bombing us. We need to get out of here!” said Jacob, with panic in his voice.

  “That's non-sense why would our own planes attack us?” Said Lucia with an arrogant tone.

  Lucia’s husband had been an air force pilot, dying during a training accident a few years ago. She hated when anyone said anything even remotely negative about pilots or the air force.

  “If the air force is coming then we are saved,” Lucia continued. With her and Angie now looking out the window beside Jacob.

  Jacob knew better though. He saw the ring high above them before the fire fell. He knew the things out there were not from Issa and no air force, nor army would stand a chance.

  “I don’t think they are ours...” continued Jacob.

  Slowly backing away from the window as the aircraft approached, Jacob become overwhelmed with feeling of panic as the building shook more violently. The explosions rapidly drew nearer. The intense orange lights of airships bled through the window, brightly illuminating the small apartment. Angie turned from the window and started to make her way across the apartment unit to the door. Someone had started aggressively banging from the hall. The sound of the door flying open suddenly and hitting hard against the inner wall of their apartment unit echoed loudly through the darkness. In a panic, Alex jumped up from his sleep and started crying out loudly, adding to the cacophony of noise.

  “You all need to get out of the building. They are levelling everything...!” yelled Darren frantically, as his voice trailed off.

  “What are you talking about Darren?” Lucia yelled back.

  There was no response, Darren had already left down the hall to warn the other units. Overwhelmed with fright, Jacob quickly made his way across the living room to grab Alex from the armchair, who until recently managed to sleep through all the chaos. Coming to within a few steps of Alex, Jacob felt the floor give way from under him. Suddenly all around, Jacob could hear the terrible sound of intense explosions and shattering glass. Blinded by flashes of intense light, Jacob felt sharp pieces of debris colliding against him before he was overcome by the brief feeling of free falling. A sudden pain shot through his body as he hit the ground several floors below... Then nothing.


  The massive ring city, Avus, seemingly exploded out of ethereal space into the vicinity of the developing world of Issa. The blue star to which Issa was bound sank below the curvature of the planet as Avus coasted into a stable orbit. Entering the command deck suspended in the centre of the two-hundred-mile span between the circumference of Avus, President Ettimis drew the attention of the room. The doors to the bridge loudly hissed open and closed behind him, briefly letting in the sounds of the mighty engine at the heart of the ring. Marching to the centre of the room, the sound of Ettimis’s boots snapped against the metal floor, loud echoes bounced through the large space as he walked along across in the command deck. The crew remained completely silent as Ettimis approached with his two guards at either side of him. Standing at the centre of the room Ettimis peered out the main window of thick weathered glass. The faint city lights beamed up from the planet, as the disgust for the beings living on the surfa
ce that Ettimis believed were inferior, was clear on his face. In silence Ettimis turned to look from one side of the bridge before scanning to the other. His stiff black hair shinned against the soft orange lighting. His face remained unchanged as he adjusted the collar on his long black wool coat and examined the crew intently.

  “Vice President Oret, tell me about this wretched place.” Said Ettimis with a sneer.

  “Yes, President.” Said Oret taken by surprise, as he stood up from a seat next to Ettimis. Adjusting his thick rimmed glasses Oret continued to speak. “This is... a... uh... developing planet, rich in diverse life. It seems to be inhabited by a seed species in a state of recent technological advancement.” Continued Oret, as he fumbled through his notebook.

  “Silence, you incompetent fool. I have no time to hear about this world or its pathetic inhabitants. Now tell me is this world harvestable?” Snapped Ettimis.

  “My apologies.” Said Oret, with a noticeable tremble in his voice. “Yes, well... President. This world has the right conditions to be rich in aillinium and several other useful and rare minerals. And... uh, the inhabitants, from what our earlier investigations determined, have no technologies that would off any significant threat to our personnel.” Continued Oret.

  “Good, such a pathetic world should make for a quick and profitable turnaround. The board will be most pleased. Now ready the recruiters and find me an army of local talent to help exploit this mud hole.” Said Ettimis, with a slight joy in voice.

  “You heard the President, ready the invasion fleet. Collect as many employees as possible from the surface. Able bodied workers only.” Commanded Oret.

  Operatives at their poorly lit workstations around the outer walls of the command deck quickly put on large earphones. Moving the plugs on the switch board, the communication operatives began calling down to the recruitment supervisors to ready their teams. Massive, soot covered atmospheric entry ships, loudly began roaring to life as they started their large engines sending plumes of steam and smoke into the air. From the command deck the ships could be seen deploying and quickly scattering from the surface of the ring far below. Dispersing as they descended through the darkness of space, as the ships headed towards the lights of the surface. Trails of fire followed in their wake as they rapidly made their way through the thick atmosphere of Issa. Ettimis remained on the bridge briefly watching the vessels descend, before making an about turn and walking towards the exit of the bridge, with his personal escorts in tow close behind.

  “Vice President Oret, you have the room. See to it the recruitment process goes smoothly, I do hate surprises.” Said Ettimis, pausing briefly and turning to face Oret. “And Vice President, I noticed you neglected to inform the recruitment team to terminate all those who are not useful. See to it that the ground teams are reminded of our policies... Let me hear you say it Oret.” Said Ettimis, before continuing his way to exit the command deck and back to the surface of Avus.

  “Recruit the best. Terminate the rest.” Said Oret, just loudly enough for Ettimis to hear.

  Descending in the lift Ettimis looked out through a small window of thick glass riveted around its edges to the tarnished metal of the elevator. The vast structure of Avus, the largest of thousands of ringed cities owned by the company, in perfect view below. Each ring a self-contained city, complete with its own economy and military occupied by millions of inhabitants, recruited from a vast array of worlds. Staring out the window with apathy, Ettimis cared nothing of magnitude or marvel of Avus. He viewed such ringed cities all but a common place throughout the galaxy, his stay on Avus was but a stepping-stone in his grander plans. Watching the lights of trains, Ettimis thought of the workers of the company, each with their mundane roles. Each trying to scratch their way to the top of their insignificant sector or worse were content in their meaningless role. Thinking how pathetic the common people, taken from broken worlds were, Ettimis’s mind wondered to his own ambitions. He had purpose and his goals were more meaningful, as he was born in the cental region. A place of more advanced planetary societies and a higher-class people. In the moments before the lift reached the surface Ettimis could only think about the harvest of Issa. The resources of the planet would bring him one step closer to a promotion and a seat on the board. The sound of voices screeching broke his concentration as high frequency squawks and static spat out of the lift's speaker, before focusing to an audible voice.

  “President, a relay probe has arrived from ethereal space. It’s labelled as containing an urgent message from the board.” Said a communication worker, barely understandable through the intermittent crackles in the speaker.

  “Forward the message to my office. I will be there shortly,” responded Ettimis, leaning slightly toward the speaker to ensure he would be heard.

  The tension was evident on his face as Ettimis exited the lift and made is way to a nearby train to the inner city. A crowd of people stood waiting for the train on the large grimy platform. The mix of classes saw those dressed in formal attire and expensive hats at one end of the platform. And the workers covered in thick soot and grim with the only notably clean parts being around their eyes congregated at the other end. The workers parted, as Ettimis approached making a way for him to reach the private train car reserved for the highest class. With Ettimis holding a cloth across his mouth as he passed the people, his guards at either side of him kept the crown at a distance. Each guard keeping one hand on their pistol, concealed under their coats, as they ushed Ettimis along.

  Boarding the car, adorned with fine woodwork and polished brass fixtures at the end of the train, Ettimis made his way into a private booth. Closing the door behind him, he muttered how dissatisfied he was to have to share a train with the common people. Looking out the window beside him, Ettimis paid no attention to the other people in lounge area outside his booth. Even with their fine evening ware and hats of wool and silk, most of the people were from planets of outer systems. Ettimis had no desire conversing with those he considered inferior. With his guards outside the booth, Ettimis looked out at the bright city lights and tall buildings of the city centre. The lights of Avus could be seen stretching out into a thin thread in the far distance becoming almost invisible overhead as they faded against a backdrop of thousands of stars before expanding back around. Anxious, Ettimis tried to figure out what could be so important to the board. Why would they waste such significant amount of precious aillinium to send an urgent relay probe through the ether?


  Waking up disorientated and in pain, Jacob looked around the dark area he found himself in as he coughed from the smoke and dust in the air. Across the void space, he could see a small opening in the wall partially blocked by twisted pieces of metal and debris. An orange light, like the glow of a fire burning on the other side, spilled in through the hole offered a small amount of visibility in the tight crevasse of rubble. Thinking of Alex, Jacob instantly snapped to action as he frantically looked through the dimly lit area. Finding Alex only a few arm's lengths away from him, Jacob quickly made his way over to his brother and began rapidly pulling pieces of the ruined building off Alex. Pulling Alex onto his lap, Jacob draped his brothers’ limp body across his legs, and began shaking him vigorously without result. Remaining lifeless, Alex looked pale in the poor light of the distant flames as Jacob remembered some first aid training his mother insisted, he had. Alex’s body jerked against the rubble as Jacob methodically compressed his brother's chest. Counting out to thirty repeatedly while pausing between, to blow air into Alex’s lungs, Jacob tried beckoning him back to life.

  “Breath Alex, Breath!” Jacob forcefully commanded throughout the compressions as tears rolled down his face.

  Blowing air into his brothers' lungs one last time, Alex gasped out as life returned to him. Grabbing Alex and pulling him close to his chest, Jacob held his brother in a tight embrace.

  “I thought I lost you.” Said Jacob, the fear and joy evident in his voice.

  “What happed?
” Asked Alex softly, with a rasp and confusion in his tone.

  “They brought the whole building down on us Alex... but it’s okay now, it’s going to be okay.” Said Jacob, still holding his brother tightly against his chest.

  With the adrenaline of the situation beginning to wear off, Jacob could feel the sensation of warm fluid running down his arm. The pain from the fall quickly catching up to him and presenting all over his body. Sitting Alex up on a large piece of rubble beside him, Jacob could see the soot, cuts, and dirt all over his brother through his tattered clothing. With Alex staring, half dazed, into the light spilling in through the wall, Jacob painfully began adjusting himself to see the source of his bleeding. ripping off a torn piece of fabric from his shirt, he tied it around a large cut on his forearm, grimacing as he pulled the piece of cloth tightly around the wound.

  “Are you hurt bad anywhere,” said Jacob, as he quickly checked over Alex.

  “No,” responded Alex softly, as he shook his head slowly from side to side.

  Satisfied his brother was not severely injured, Jacob peered into the vaguely lit cavity of rubble trying to see if he could find his mother among the debris.

  “Stay right here,” Said Jacob, as he turned to move through the tight space, noticing something in the distance.